This past weekend I made one of my friends rent "Lincoln", I say made because he really didn't want to watch it at all, but before it even ended he was telling me what a great choice I had made. It was a very well made movie and enjoyable to watch. Some where towards the last half of the movie there is a clip that really got me thinking on some interesting thoughts.
Lincoln is in the telegraph room deciding on what message to send down to Gen. Grant in regards to some C.S.A. representatives. In the room with him are two other men, one the telegraph operator the other we find out is an engineer. Lincoln asks the operator a question that was something of the affect of "Are we put into the time that we are made for?" the operator responds "I don't know about me but you are sir." Lincoln looks to the engineer and asks him as well. The engineer responds by letting us know he is an engineer and that he seems to have some of the right pieces but maybe not the exact right fit.
Today I was looking at some music videos on YouTube and ran across people auditioning for shows like X-Factor Australia that were singing songs that I was looking for. In one of these the young lady was very nervous, had dropped out of school and was pursuing a dream. The judges seemed a bit weary especially after she said what song she was going to sing. Yet once that first note came out of her mouth they were all taken aback and ready to cheer thing nervous young lady on.
These videos made me start wondering why moments like those really get to us (the audience), I mean you see people crying they are so moved. What is it about that moment that makes that happen? I think I found that answer in the movie "Lincoln". In these amazing moments with those singers we the audience get to see someone that found the moment they fit into perfectly. You hear them sing and KNOW that they were made for that. Just as the operator said to Abe, I don't know about me but you sir do fit into the moment you are apart of.
I don't say all of this from the point of view of a person that knows exactly how and where they fit in, I share this thought as a person still desperately trying to figure that out for myself. I watch that movie and enjoy those songs but it makes some part of me long so badly to show everyone how I fit perfectly in some place or another, but alas that part has no true voice to me yet so all it can do is grunt and tug at me as I try to make sense of it all.
If you feel this same tug send me a message I can share with you the way to try and start making more sense what is trying to be told to you.
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