I wake up and as I get up and walk around the mirror greets me.
Most days it is not a greeting that I want. The reflection it shows
me has many flaws and things I would like to change. So I try to
change these things and I go outside were on a clear day my shadow
greets me. This greeting is much more pleasant to my eyes. I go for a
run and when I finish and head back to my house with the sun behind
me my shadow is there telling me good job. I see broad shoulders and
a body slightly taller then mine, or is it just mine stretched out a
bit? I don't know but it is a great sight. I head back inside and my
shadow waves farewell. And who is there to great me non other than
the mirror and my reflection the ever present reminder that I am
still not where I want to be.
Makes a man realize why Peter Pan so desperately wanted to find
his shadow.