Monday, September 3, 2012

Musings from college or something like it


Though was nailed to a cross by men to blind to see and to deaf to hear, He was about and beyond it. His being surpassed this figure of two boards layed over each other. His glory and awesomeness is not justified by words spoken or written, it is even to great to be caught by even the biggest imagination. Though He was pierced by thorns, nails and a spear by men so weak and feeble His strength outshined the strongest redwood. His strength can't even be matched by superman. Though hungry and tempted for many days by one who needs no mention, the Lords will was that of the strongest armor ever made, adn in this He shined for and glorified His father who like His son never asked to much but always gave generously. Great is their legacy, but even greater is thier promise that even though we can't compare in glory, strength or will we may one day share in those with them in glorious harmony for the rest of eternity.

The Cross

A cross but not only a cross. A sign of lose and victory. A place of shame and fame. A symbol of great disgrace and great honor. Jesus was nailed upon such a cross so that he all the He had ever said would be disgraced, and shame anyone who had followed Him and believed the word He taught. What those who put Him there didn't know that His followers being truely taught by the son of God did know is that through that action they earned a great victory in the war against sin and death. Upon crucifing Him, a famous figure and not the shameful heap of man they wanted Him to be viewed as, Jesus became the greatest "celebrity". This cross, which for so many years had been so feared and ran away from became more than a cross, it became a symbol of a great victory and a symbol for many people who followed, follow and will follow Jesus to unit under.

That Guy

 There he was towards the end of his life a bitter, worn out old man, thinking about life and what it could have been. He now realizes how many times he thought a decision was going to be so big and affect his life so much ended up doing nothing for him and he also saw all those decisions he made without thinking and how much of a lasting impact they still have on his life. With that on his mind he wonders how thing could have been different if he could go back and change this or that, could he have been famous or rich or maybe happy, that thought has tormented him in his dreams for most of the last 15 years. His mind drifts to high school and college where the world was just waiting to open up for him and all things were possibilities for him. He was a good student, good at sports and decent with musical intraments, infact he was good at most anything he tried to do and there inturn was his down fall. Being a teenage boy good at anything he picked up led him to never really having to push himself at a young age which inturn led to him almost never pushing himself as an adult. Signs of this are seen all around his house where you can see many musical intraments that had not been played in years so long infact he probably forgot how to play them, there is also every kind of sporting equipment packed away in his closests some things on the verge of breaking the next time they are moved. Looking at this stuff he wonders if he could have been truly great at anyone of those things, because being a good student had gotten him through college with a degree even if his GPA had been pretty low and that degree which is now covered in dust had never really gotten him anywhere in life not even a decent job. With that thought he sit back down now sure that it had always been himself that sabatouged his life and any changes he wished he could make would still have lead him to this same spot in life, old bitter and and extremely wornout....