So recently I saw a few of my friends on Facebook posting anti-chick-fil-a pictures and boy-cot comments, something about being apposed to gay marriage. I didn't really know what it was about, but I assumed that it stemmed some where from being public about being founded on Christian principles. Today I saw that Chick-fil-a released a comment trying to correct the misunderstanding or fix their PR or whatever reason you want to say. So I looked up to see what started it all. I found a two paragraph article with a quote form the head guy at Chick-fil-a yes they were against Gay marriage and they believed in the traditional family (ie. one man one woman). Taking all this in there is just so much wrong going on here and it is frustrating. Maybe I will take on small stuff first.
1. Being against Gay "Marriage" does not equal hating Gay people nor being homophobic just doesn't. Some of the nicest people I have met have been Gay, do I agree with their lifestyle? No. Do I like them as people? Yes. And yes I did put quotes around marriage and that will be next point.
2. I don't understand why Gay people want to fight for a term and ceremony created and supported by an organization that is against their lifestyle. The church as far as my wisdom goes is the creator of what this country calls Marriage and that it is designed to be proclamation to others and a promise to each other and God that you will stay together. Now if they are fighting for the legal right to be in a union with another person and have all the legal benefits and responsibilities that is something different. I am not against people wanting to be in a union together and have the benefits and costs of all that includes, but I am against people taking something from the church and saying it isn't right unless you change it.
3. We are all messed up. I don't think I am better then any Gay person. I am messed up also, my crap might not be in the open, but it is there. Sin is sin, whether it is what we consider huge or small it still makes us imperfect and therefor unable to be with God, because He is perfect. Those two things can't mix. So in my view and my beliefs we all need help and forgiveness. The difference in all of it may be that I acknowledge my screw ups and would like to change them, where others don't think what they are doing is wrong and that is just the way it is. I as a Christian can't expect the world to conform to my view all the time, they simply don't know or believe because they views and ideas are of this world and the now, where my views and beliefs have changed towards God and what happens later.
So I have my views and others have theirs, I will continue to eat at Chick-fil-a because their food is great and I am not apposed to anything they have said or done currently that I know of. They are sticking by their beliefs and I respect that. They will handle the push and move on, hopefully they don't compromise for monies sake, only change for beliefs sake.